Click and drag (Don't hold down too long as it comes out fast :P)
A to toggle colour
Enter to restart
What sort of FPS do you guys get? I know it won't be high but I'm getting some people in mid 20s but others down at 6-9. Also, general comments appreciated. I already have a clear idea of what I'm going to do with this but I'm still open for other ideas.
EDIT (18/07/09): I've deleted the file from STW for now but I'll be sticking it back up sooner or later, I just want to improve the FPS a bit first. I've ported the code into C++ and I'm getting a solid 30fps but I'm now working on speeding it up as much as I can with an increased canvas size.
This reminds me of plasma pong.
Anyway I get a fps of 16 with a screen full of fluid.
As a comment, try to cover the fluid generation area with something, because it looks a bit weird when the fluid spawns. Afterwards it looks a lot nicer, but at spawning time, those random pixels just put me off
Yeah, I know. That's the result of me playing around with how it's created. I've fixed that now I think