Hey guys,
Seeing as logicstudios.co.uk is coming down shortly in replace for my new site I thought I would offer the hosting I don't need to people who would put good use to it. That is why I am glad to say that if you are either an artist or a programmer you can now get your hands on some web space. Specifics:
- 50mb of space
- Up to 1GB bandwidth
- FTP upload
- Browser upload system
- 1 subdomain (e.g. username.logicstudios.co.uk)
- 2 email accounts (e.g. username@logicstudios.co.uk)
- 1 MySQL Database
- Support via forums
- No forced Ads.
Although there are no forced ads it would be highly appreciated if you placed our ads on your page to keep this hosting free and hopefully expand to provide better hosting to more people. When your page is set up it will have a page with the codes for advertisements on them. If you want a new colour scheme for the ads you can contact me, admin@logicstudios.co.uk, and I will sort it out for you.
If you need more details about these then you can email admin@logicstudios.co.uk or, preferably, reply to this news post. I can only offer around a few places, 5-10, for the web hosting. Because of this fact I am not going to simply offer hosting to the first person that applies, I'm going to do it based on who I think will make best use of the hosting.
NOTE: At this moment in time I cannot actually provide the hosting because my site isn't up yet, although it is coming along. (www.logicstudios.co.uk) When it is up the hosting will become avaiable and i will post more details. It is most probably that to get the hosting you have to be active on the forums for a week, for example.
Please give your opinons and suggestions :)
Will i still get to use my logicstudios email?
Yeah, emails aren't a problem. I have unlimited emails >:)